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AWS re:Invent Roundup 2022

Alexis Scott

AWS re:Invent 2022 was an event for the record books. From the sheer volume of attendees - over 60,000 - to the span of the venues, the event brought together tens of thousands of cloud and partnerships professionals from around the world.

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The hub of the event was its massive expo at the Venetian hotel convention center. AWS re:Invent spanned over 1.8 million square feet of event space filled with technology displays, company booths, and session rooms for learning and certifications.

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Companies did not spare any expense when it came to the extent of their booths. We saw virtual reality experiences, delicious snacks and drinks, live entertainment, live demos and trainings - and even a ski simulator! It was an “extreme marketing” event, and we enjoyed every creative and engaging inch of it.

Executive Co-Sell Luncheon

On Tuesday, the WorkSpan team hosted an Executive Co-Sell luncheon with an engaging panel of partnerships executives.

Jeremy Sawyer who leads the cloud, technology and software partner teams at Cisco, Manoj Suvarna leading the AI ecosystem team at Deloitte, Jeff Grimes who leads the ISV startup programs at AWS and Leo Labranche leading the GSI global initiative programs at AWS took the stage with WorkSpan president, Amit Sinha.

Both panels dug into different best practices on Co-Selling with AWS and how WorkSpan has enabled success in their partner co-sell programs.

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The crowd was certainly engaged - many asked fantastic questions on how to optimize their co-sell programs and the best ways to do so with AWS specifically.

We couldn’t share this event without sharing the replays with you!

Learnings & Best Practices from Co-Selling with AWS | Manoj Suvarna, Deloitte & Jeremy Sawyer, Cisco

How ISVs, Startups, & Systems Integrators Can Win by Co-Selling with AWS | Jeff Grimes, AWS & Leo LaBranche, AWS

Wednesday Keynote Session

For partner professionals, the highlight of the event was the Keynote Session on Wednesday afternoon, featuring the incredible Ruba Borno, VP of Worldwide Channels and Alliances at AWS.

Ruba started the session with the statistic that “76% of CEO’s think their current business model will be unrecognizable in 5 years “ - Forrester 2022. This is not surprising given the large surge in tech partnerships and the awakening that companies are having surrounding the benefits of co-sell partnership ecosystems.

Ruba also shared an INCREDIBLE statistic from Canalys that partners who sell multiple AWS services can make $6.40 for every $1 of AWS they sell. If that is not incentive to get started co-selling with AWS, we don’t know what is!

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Additionally, AWS has launched new Data Visualization Dashboards allowing you to track, analyze, and grow your business without requiring any technical integrations. This is a HUGE advantage in optimizing your co-sell partnerships and ensuring that you are achieving the ROI you seek through co-selling.

Ruba also included other AWS co-sell senior executives like Julia Chen, VP Partner Core, and Chris Grusz, General Manager WW ISV Alliances & Marketplace and announced AWS Partner Award Winners - a long list of stellar companies who have mastered successful co-sell partnerships with AWS.

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To learn more about the full Keynote watch the replay here

Cocktails and Co-Selling

There was no better way to end a day at re:Invent than with WorkSpan’s Co-Selling and Cocktails Happy Hour at the destination restaurant - SUSHISAMBA.

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Customers, cloud professionals, partnership executives, and thought leaders were all in attendance as we enjoyed mixing and mingling with delicious food and tasty libations.

We had a “full house” as the poker players say - but truly we were at capacity for this happy hour! It was an incredible turn out!

See You Next Year

AWS re:Invent 2022 did not disappoint. It was a refreshing return to in person connection and we cannot wait to start planning for 2023!

About Alexis Scott


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