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Ecosystem Business Summit September 2021 Roundup

Chip Rodgers

WorkSpan's September EBS was such a terrific event - we're still not over it!

We had a blast hosting the event with the best from the industry - Jay McBain, Karl Fahrbach, David Stone, and our own Mayank Bawa and Amit Sinha. It just couldn't get any better! And it sounds like attendees all enjoyed it as much as we did. In our post-event survey, 50% rated the event Outstanding with 46% saying Good. We love it and agree!

We’ve curated the highlights & poll responses especially for you. Read on!

Ecosystem Business Management and the New Era of Partner Co-Selling

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The Ecosystem Flywheel

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The Ecosystem Flywheel gets your revenue engine going by co-selling, co-investing, co-innovating, and co-marketing with your ecosystem partners. Get your Ecosystem Flywheel turning and be the partnerships hero.

5 Capabilities to Digitize Ecosystem

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5 Critical Capabilities to digitize ecosystem partners. If you're evaluating solutions to help your team digitize your partnering motions, there are 5 Critical Capabilities you can't be without: Multi-Party Ecosystems, Ecosystem Business Process, Ecosystem Data Hub, Ecosystem Access Control, and Ecosystem Intelligence.

Co-Sell with Microsoft

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Co-sell with Microsoft by connecting your CRM data directly and securely to Microsoft Partner Center. Available today with our Co-Sell with Microsoft package starting at $990/month!

Co-Sell with AWS

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NEW Announcement!  Now Co-sell with AWS by connecting your CRM data directly and securely to the Amazon APN Customer Engagement (ACE) partner portal.  Available today with our Co-Sell with AWS package starting at $990/month!

"Digitizing your co-sell processes helps eliminate friction with your partners and partner teams."
~ Mayank Bawa

Watch Mayank speak here!

Market Transformations and the Decade of Ecosystems

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The Decade of the Ecosystems

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We are in the decade of ecosystems. 20 years ago it was all about direct sales, then the next 10 years was about marketing automation. But today the winners are going to market with their ecosystem partners, creating solutions together, opening new markets and use cases, and bringing greater value to customers.

Need of the Seventh Decimal Place Accuracy

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Not unlike previous decades, the winners in this new decade need to invest in automation to digitize their ecosystem programs so they can set goals, manage the process, and run their ecosystem business like direct sales teams - tracking at the seventh decimal place level of accuracy.

Ecosystems are for Driving Business

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The C-suite doesn’t have enough Chief Partner Officers today, but that will be the sea change in the next couple of years driving business value. I like that this is the Ecosystem Business Summit event - it’s all about driving business with partners.

"You need software like WorkSpan that can orchestrate all the moving parts and drive value from your partnerships."
- Jay McBain

Watch Jay speak here!

Leading the Ecosystem Transformation with SAP Next Gen Partnering

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Full Customer Lifecycle Partnering

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SAP partners cover every aspect of the company from product through marketing, sales, and service. That’s why we created one Chief Partner Officer role to look at partnering holistically across the company and help partners deliver value at every point on the customer journey.

Partner Progression Journey

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SAP has programs in place to help partners on their journey to deliver more value to customers. Partners start by building joint solutions, then moving to Endorsed Apps with support on go-to-market programs and finally Solution Extensions selling on SAP paper.

Blurring Partner Roles

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As the partner focus is on the customer and customer outcomes, SAP partner roles are blurring and partners are adopting different partner roles to create more value for the customers.

"We need information in real-time throughout the lifecycle of partnering and that’s what WorkSpan provides."
- Karl Fahrbach

Watch Karl speak here!

How HPE has Built a World-Class Ecosystem Organization, Platform, and Measurements to Win

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HPE's Six Part Framework to Partner

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Ecosystem partnering is very difficult, so at HPE, we've built a 6 part framework as a roadmap across the organization. The framework starts with the right Strategy, then Partner Types, Offering Type, Measurement, Incentives and finally the GTM plan.

Partner Roles are Blurring at HPE

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HPE partner roles are blurring moving in different direction across traditional partner types - moving up and down the scale between Build, Sell, and Service.  Everything is changing. There is no one-size-fits-all, so ecosystem strategy and engagement modes have needed to change with it.

Offer Types at HPE

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HPE has many offers where partners play a crucial role in delivering customer outcomes. You need to think through this to tie the offer types to align it to the right incentives and overall economics for the partner and the end customer.

"We have all of the Six Part Framework up and running in WorkSpan for a digitally enabled platform that enables us to action."
- David Stone

Watch David speak here!

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Have Questions?

If you have questions or want to chat with us, please reach out — we’d love to hear from you!

Thanks again for making EBS a success. We’ll see you at our next event!

Join fellow ecosystem professionals and join WorkSpan’s Community where we regularly share tips, news, and podcasts from across the partner ecosystem landscape.

Chief Partner Officer

About Chip Rodgers

Chip is passionate about building strong communities and ecosystems around enterprises to build excitement for the category, deliver value for customers, and grow the business. Prior to WorkSpan, Chip was with SAP for over 13 years, most recently growing the SAP Community Network to over 2 million engaged customers, partners, and developers. He has an MBA from the University of Chicago and an engineering degree from Northwestern.


Co-Sell Value Workshop

Find out how you score on ecosystem capabilities like processes, pipeline management, collaboration, self-service, automation, tracking and reporting. Get expert guidance. Explore solutions.

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With a fast time to value, full control of your Cloud Marketplace listings, and the only enterprise-grade co-sell automation engine on the market, WorkSpan Hyperscaler Edition helps launch and scale the world’s most valuable cloud partnerships.