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Launch AWS Deal Wins from Inside Salesforce

Nitin Mathur

Launch AWS Deal Wins from Inside Your Salesforce 

WorkSpan is the leader in automating co-sell processes with hyperscaler cloud providers - constantly innovating with new solutions, new capabilities, and new process automation to help partners drive more revenue with top cloud providers.Since launching WorkSpanCo-Sell with AWS in 2021, WorkSpan has continued to work closely with the AWS ACE Team as they roll out new innovation for AWS co-sell partners.Co-sell processes can often be non-standardized, highly manual, and full of friction, making it difficult for partners to capture much of the value in the partnership. Countless hours are spent on data entry to share referrals and keeping referrals updated in AWS ACE Pipeline Manager.WorkSpan Co-Sell with AWS solves all of that as a SaaS platform built to streamline and automate co-sell processes for AWS partners.

What’s New?

With our release of version 1.9 of our Salesforce app, when account executives win an AWS co-sell deal, they or the alliance managers can now launch an ACE deal wins directly from inside Salesforce!

  • The new embedded “Launch in ACE” button inside the WorkSpan Salesforce App allows you to launch the opportunity in AWS ACE based on requirements of an AWS partner program
  • Account executives and alliance managers with AWS partners now have end to end co-sell transactions

End-to-End AWS Deal Management from Inside Salesforce App

With this new update of WorkSpan Salesforce App to V 1.9, account executives and alliance managers with AWS partners are now able to manage their complete co-sell deal cycle with AWS - from referral sharing to launch from inside their Salesforce App.Partners can now launch an ACE opportunity in SFDC with minimal steps. With the new embedded “Launch in ACE” button inside WorkSpan Salesforce App, partners can now trigger Launch action based on the requirements of their AWS program.With the addition of these important functionalities, WorkSpan now enables AWS partners to manage their entire co-sell deal cycle from inside their Salesforce CRM. Having this capability as an AWS partner allows organizations to fully automate and simplify co-selling with AWS. It will also help sellers on both sides have deeper engagement by allowing them more time to focus on co-selling than managing manual tasks of maintaining and updating pipeline information.

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Other New Features

Auto-Create and Share Referrals

Partner administrators can set criteria to automatically create and share referrals with AWS based on predefined criteria (e.g., If an opportunity has AWS in the Cloud Partner field and has reached stage 3).

Auto-Create Opportunities from Incoming Referrals

With WorkSpan, partners can now automatically create opportunities in their CRM based on incoming referrals from AWS.

New AWS Specific Fields Added 

Added AWS specific fields “Is Opportunity From Marketing Activity?”, “Marketing Activity Channel”, “Marketing Activity Use Case”, “AWS Marketing Salesforce Campaign Name” on both ‘Outgoing Amazon Referral’ and ‘Incoming Amazon Referral’ fields layout, as per the latest ACE changes.

Built on the Powerful Capabilities of WorkSpan Co-Sell with AWS

WorkSpan’s Co-Sell with AWS platform already contains incredible functionality including:

  • Automate and simplify opportunity and referral sharing with AWS ACE and sync data with your Salesforce CRM
  • Efficiently plan and execute co-sell motions  with shared data views, workflows, and       collaboration tools
  • Track pipeline and sales performance in real-time with KPI reports and analytics
  • Gain full control over your data with configurable field-level data access and security policies
  • Scale co-selling with bulk actions for auto-create, sharing and accepting referrals between AWS ACE and partner CRM
  • Stay current on routine changes to AWS ACE integration requirements for referral and opportunity management

The Evolution of WorkSpan’s Salesforce app for Co-Sell with AWS

What started as our initial solution back in 2021 to simplify co-selling for partner organizations collaborating with cloud hyperscalers like AWS, has now become an end-to-end solution to manage the complete deal lifecycle from inside the Salesforce CRM. This evolution was made possible by strong collaboration with the AWS ACE Team and AWS partners that recommended capabilities and features to make the WorkSpan platform address the needs of every organization that wants to partner with AWS.

Looking Forward

WorkSpan continues to lead the market for co-selling with cloud providers with rapid innovation and bringing the most advanced co-sell solutions to market that help partners drive more revenue, gain a competitive edge, and win in the market.Start here. Discover how you can automate the end-to-end co-sell management with AWS using WorkSpan. Book a demo today!

Director, Product Marketing

About Nitin Mathur

Nitin Mathur is a marketing maverick with an extensive experience in the tech, telecom, and consumer electronics industry. As Director of Product Marketing at WorkSpan, Nitin is on a mission to revolutionize the way businesses manage their multi-partner ecosystems with WorkSpan's cutting-edge product capabilities. Prior to his stint at WorkSpan, Nitin worked at various marketing positions at some of the biggest names in the industry, including IBM, Motorola, and Philips. He is also a tech enthusiast passionate about harnessing technology's power to solve real-world problems.

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