Partnering Strategy
xx min read

Smarter With Gartner: 8 Dimensions of Business Ecosystems

Abriel Siregar

As we relaunch the WorkSpan community, we’re going to be regularly sharing some of our favorite ecosystem articles and research. We encourage you to do the same!

Today we’re spotlighting Gartner’s 8 Dimensions of Business Ecosystems article from Senior Content Marketing Manager Kasey Panetta.

“Decide what role your organization will play in these ecosystems: Leader, disruptor, niche player, orchestrator, or something else.”

In the article, Panetta lists the 8 Dimensions of Business Ecosystems as:

  • Ecosystem Strategy
  • Degree of Openness
  • Engagement of Diverse Participants
  • Relationships
  • Form of Value Exchange
  • Diversity of Industries
  • Technologies

We’re especially passionate about the dimensions that bookend her list.

For your ecosystem strategy, you need to make a partnering plan that makes sense for your partners, offerings, and customers.

And on the other side, putting your plan into practice requires an ecosystem business management platform to automate and enable all your partnering processes.

About Abriel Siregar

Partnering Strategy

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