Partnering Strategy
xx min read

The Common Success Factors in Strategic Alliances

Mike Nevin

How Does This Information Help Me? - It defines the concept of best practices in alliances and introduces scientific rigour to the definition of an alliance best practice by identifying common success factors in commercially successful alliances.

Who Would Benefit from This Information? - Alliance Executives including: Alliance Managers, VP Alliances, Alliance Directors, Partnership Managers, VP Strategic Partnerships, Partnership Enablement Executives.  In fact anyone looking to optimise the value of their strategic alliance relationships.

What Does the Solution Provide? - A list of 52 common success factors in 5 catergories: Commercial, Technical, Strategic, Cultural and Operational.

When Should I Use the Framework? - When the relationship in question has a high degree of active collaboration. (e.g. typically 'sell with' scenarios).

About Mike Nevin

Partnering Strategy

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