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The deadline is over, blogs are in, and we’re blown away!

Indu Manglotra

We’ve wrapped up the WorkSpan Partnering Blog Contest submission period and are excited to say we’ve received some outstanding blog entries. Thanks to all participants for contributing some truly inspiring insights based on their experiences and successes!

The submission period ran through the month of February. We received 9 outstanding blog entries from some amazing participants.  We’ve really enjoyed reading about their perspective on the future of partnering, best practices they found helpful, or principles they applied when working with the partner ecosystem. I know you will too!

Blog Topics

  • The 3 Principles of Ecosystem Partnering Success
  • Best Practices for Building a Winning Partner Ecosystem
  • Your Recent Partner Co-Selling Success Story

A big shout out and thank you to all participants who participated in the contest and made it successful. It's been a great pleasure receiving the blogs. They are all amazing.

All blogs we have received are unique. It’s a  tough competition but every competition has to come to an end with the winner's announcement. We will announce the top 3 winners on March 22nd based on internal jury assessment and public voting.

In addition to the recognition and thought leadership these partnering leaders have shared, the top 3 winners will receive amazon gift vouchers as well.

All blog entries will be evaluated by our internal jury on the set criteria and 4 shortlisted blogs will be open for Public Voting from March 9th through the 15th.

While our jury is evaluating the blogs we encourage everyone to read these blog entries from our participants. Please read, like and share them.

Blog Author and Blog

Blog 1: Suresh Kumar Tulluri - The Emerging Art of Ecosystem Partnering

Blog 2: Vikas Jain - Principles Of Partner Ecosystem

Blog 3: Kamalesh M - My Co-selling success story

Blog 4: Udit Agarwal - 3 Principles of Ecosystem Partnering Success

Blog 5: Santosh Salimath - Best Practices for Winning a Partner Ecosystem

Blog 6: Sahil Sharma - The 3 Principles of Ecosystem Partnering Success

Blog 7: Rahul Dayma - The 3 Principles of Ecosystem Partnering Success

Blog 8: Rahul Dayma - Best Practices for Building a Winning Partner Ecosystem

Blog 9: Sandeep Goel - 3 Mantras for Successful Partnership Ecosystem Execution

Happy Reading!

Community Manager

About Indu Manglotra


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