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Time To Vote For Your Favorite Blogs!

Indu Manglotra

Thanks to all of our blog contributors for sharing your thoughts on partnering best practices and success stories! We loved reading all of them and it’s been tough to come to a decision on which blog to shortlist!

But after many discussions, evaluation, and careful deliberation we’ve chosen the below 4 blogs for public voting over this next week! Voting will be open from March 9th - March 15th, 2022.

Again we would like to thank all blog participants for their contribution.  It's been a great pleasure receiving the blogs. They were all outstanding.

It seems out of 3 proposed blog topics “3 Principles of Ecosystem Partnering Success” was  very popular amongst participants and they had great insights to share around this.

Congratulations to Suresh Kumar Tulluri, Vikas Jain, Rahul Dayma and Sandeep Goel for sharing such insightful blogs and making your place in top 4 shortlisted contestants.

Shortlisted Blogs

Blog Author

Suresh Kumar Tulluri - The 3 Principles of Ecosystem Partnering Success / The Emerging Art of Ecosystem Partnering

Vikas Jain - Principles Of Partner Ecosystem

Rahul Dayma - Best Practices for Building a Winning Partner Ecosystem

Sandeep Goel - 3 Mantras for Successful Partnership Ecosystem Execution

Our panel of judges shortlisted the above 4 blogs based on how well it exemplified the internal jury assessment criteria. The blog entries were scored on the clarity, unique perspective, use of real world examples to illustrate points, valuable perspective to help other partner leaders and statistics cited to reinforce points.

As part of the top 3 winners selection we are opening Public Voting today from March 9th - March 15th, 2022.

Happy Voting!

Community Manager

About Indu Manglotra


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